157 NOIA Magazine, Issue 3 ‘States’ / Center for Archival Interpretation
Writing, drawings, and related research contributed to this issue investigating the ‘fluidity and manipulable nature of states’ and their function as ‘conceptual and physical constructions of borders’
10 New
156 HUSH / North American Airport Terminal Experience Design
A design system of architectural, scenographic, and interface components as a confetti of sets and stages for temporal and permanent art interventions; adaptive reuse of the quintessential liminal space, towards spaces of intentionality, privacy, respite, and reflection
0 Ongoing
152 INDEX #2 ‘FREE’ / AIGA 365 Editorial Design of the Year
Winner of the 365: AIGA Year in Design, Editorial Design category; the American Institute of Graphic Arts advocates for and practices all forms of communication design, from print to web to service to spaces, physical to virtual
1 New
150 OMA New York / Various Projects
Architectural design of various projects with the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) and its research division AMO in New York; concept development to detailed design through collaborative maquettes and drawings
2 New
149 OMA New York / Mori Landscape Scenography Tokyo
Architectural, scenographic, and landscape design of a multi-use outdoor event space in Tokyo; concept development, art direction, and drawings for a system of reusable, lightweight components reconfigurable to support programs across changing seasons, and scales from seating to pavilions
0 New
148 OMA New York / [Confidential] Flagship Store North America
Architectural design of two contrasting forms for a store that visibly emphasizes a gradient of uses across both elevation and plan from temporal to permanent, exhibition to retail, shopping to dining, capsule to terrace, public to private client; drawings and presentation maquettes at 1:200 scale
0 New
147 OMA New York / ‘Gathering’ Monograph
Architectural and graphic design for a forthcoming issue of a monthly magazine on architecture and urbanism from Tokyo; research, original drawings, data visualizations, and editorial layouts for featured spreads, with Sophia Choi and Niki Farfel
0 New
146 OMA New York / Villa Lānai Honolulu
Architectural design of a private summer residence, guest house, and restaurant on the southern coast of Honolulu, Hawaii; presentation maquette at 1:96 scale, art direction, drawings, and collages refining material selection, lighting, and related experiential properties for a single family and guests
0 New
145 OMA New York / Living Memorial Pavilion
Architectural design of a multi-use pavilion as living museum and memorial, a landscape for reflection, archival, and un-archival; drawings, diagrams, collages, and related research; competition entry
0 New
144 OMA New York / Centre Pompidou North America
Architectural design of the Centre Pompidou’s first North American partnership, adapting the historic Pathside and adjacent buildings of an existing community college in Jersey City’s Journal Square to support a program emphasizing hands-on art education; concept, process, and presentation maquette at 1:48 scale
0 Ongoing
143 OMA New York / Metabolist Museum Scenography Tokyo
Architectural design of a site-specific, large-scale, multi-channel environment repurposing ceilings, floors, and other outdoor surfaces of a museum in Ryogoku, Tokyo; presentation maquette at 1:50 scale, testing enclosures, projections, lighting, material selection, and related experiential properties
0 Ongoing
142 Storefront for Art and Architecture / Making Grounds
A site-specific public installation exploring the restaurant storefront typology as a tool to create intentional shared spaces; a proposal for ‘On the Ground’ a yearlong research project and exhibition series about New York City’s ground floor
1 New
141 Junya Ishigami + Associates / Various Projects
Architectural design of various projects with junya.ishigami+associates, based in Tokyo, Japan; concept development to detailed design through collaborative maquettes and drawings
1 New
140 Junya Ishigami + Associates / EXPO 2025 Osaka Pavilion
Architectural design of a pavilion for the 2025 World Exposition in Osaka, Kansai, Japan; 1:1, 1:30, and 1:100 scale maquettes, iterating on form, acoustics, light, and related structural and experiential properties
0 New
139 Junya Ishigami + Associates / Winter + Summer House
Architectural design of a single-family house with artist residency reusing dry masonry in the French countryside; small gardens and courtyards connect autonomous units dividing the program by seasonal use; concept development and 1:200 maquettes
0 New
138 Junya Ishigami + Associates / Box Pavilion
Architectural design of a pavilion created to be reinterpreted, reassembled, and reinstalled in any location; concept generation through 1:100 to 1:25 maquettes and drawings
0 New
137 Junya Ishigami + Associates / Garden Restaurant
Architectural design of a restaurant nestled in between private gardens in Nishiazabu, Tokyo, Japan; 1:10 and 1:15 scale maquettes
0 New
136 Nipponbashi Gallery / Farris + Vicente ‘Mistranslations’
Exhibition identity design for an architectural exhibition by Ken Farris and Alexandre Vicente investigating the imperfections, limits, and opportunities in converting forms of representations into reality; at Nipponbashi Gallery, Osaka, Japan
4 New
135 Un-archiving LA / Center of Archival Interpretation + Journal of Alternative Archives
An installation and journal from a prototypical non-profit research organization dedicated to the increase and diffusion of knowledge about how archives are created, utilized, and perceived; as part of Un-Archiving LA with Felicity Scott and Mark Wasiuta
11 New
134 Citygroup / A Proposal for a Reverse Stoop
A pool, slide, cabinet of curiosities, and community archive for a gallery in Chinatown, NYC; a proposal for Citygroup's First Annual ‘pootS’ Competition, with Sherry Aine Te and Aaron Smolar
1 New
132 267 Frozen Ridge Road / U-Farms
A networked school shares infrastructure to restore farming in the Hudson Valley; invoking the American pastoral brand language, adaptive building typologies privilege evolving ecological needs, redirecting eco-tourism to seed intentional communities for the restoration of dispossessed land; with Feifei Zhou and Galen Pardee at Columbia GSAPP
9 New
131 Rewilding the Orchard
Traversing the apple's many entanglements with history and folklore, from Johnny Appleseed to apple-picking agritourism, this proposal readapts existing farm infrastructure to house related nonhuman actors in a re-wilding plan; research and drawings in collaboration with Erisa Nakamura, with Feifei Zhou and Galen Pardee at Columbia GSAPP.
0 New
130 Un-archiving LA
Research, design, and forthcoming exhibition of techniques for new readings and interpretations of film and television archives in LA, in collaboration with UCLA, the Academy of Motion Pictures, the American Film Institute, and the Center for Visual Music; with Felicity Scott and Mark Wasiuta
0 Upcoming
129 163 Exterior Street / Neighbor to Neighbor
An open framework for housing designed around multiple scales of collective spaces adapted from the reuse of formerly privatized commercial buildings in an industrial neighborhood in the Bronx, NYC; in collaboration with David Zhang, with Hilary Sample at Columbia GSAPP
16 New
128 Mutable Type #3 / Unitized Terracotta
A prefabricated unitized curtain wall system integrating 3D printed terracotta cladding and its imperfections, rethinking labor automation and building aesthetics; with Katerina Gregoriou and Tashania Akemah at Columbia GSAPP
3 New
127 Fun Palace II
Modular assemblies embracing temporality and decay to generate intuitive play; an architectural design process training artificial intelligence deep learning models to generate playgrounds and buildings using natural materials; with Tashania Akemah for Columbia GSAPP
5 Upcoming
124 Columbia GSAPP / The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture
The Buell Center's mission is to advance the interdisciplinary study of American architecture, urbanism, and landscape; graduate research for projects including “Architecture and Land in the Americas and Beyond”; with Lucia Allais, Jacob Moore, and Jordan Steingard
2 Ongoing
123 Columbia GSAPP / Natural Materials Lab
Promoting equitable design using natural, low-carbon, and non-toxic building materials; crafting new ways to understand and imagine environmentally sustainable futures by fostering connections across the arts, humanities, and engineering; design and curatorial graduate research, with Lola Ben-Alon
1 New
122 198 Forsyth Street / Outside-In School
Architectural design of a K-8 school in the Lower East Side, NYC, supporting multiple pedagogies and making visible the interconnected flows of people, transportation, and cultural programming that support the community, neighborhood, and larger context; with Studio de Backer at Columbia GSAPP
24 New
119 Google Material You / Brand Interface
Interface design for the next generation of the Material Design system, launched on the flagship Pixel smartphone; visual and interaction design, in collaboration with Material Design, Seed Studio, and related product teams
44 New
116 Type Directors Club / Type Drives Culture 2022
Speaker, presenting ‘America™ by Design,’ a talk about design practice as acts of reclamation, and the extent of design, including that of history and place, for this international conference exploring typography and its impact in (trans)forming creative communities
214 New
115 NEW INC + National Endowment for the Arts / Hybridity
Research publication from NEW INC's Hybrid Practice track and the NEA, an ongoing dialog with hybrid practitioners straddling art and commerce, making work for equity and social impact, arts, and technology; with Penelope Phylactopoulos and Eric Moed (oopsa)
4 Upcoming
114 4120 Broadway / New Commons
Architectural design of an incremental network of community gardens, town squares, and similar new publics that grow below, above, and around increasingly gentrified and commercial interests, as a reclamation of Washington Heights by and for its residents; with Studio Dixit at Columbia GSAPP
1 Updating
108 Office Hours
Independent advising for students, new collaborations and happenings at the intersection of art, design and technology, for public benefit; design critiques, brand strategy, portfolio reviews, and related; pro bono
1 Ongoing
106 Stacks / Public Art
A globally-located brand building studio that brings together bespoke teams to build from the ground up; designer / creative director at large
1 Ongoing
105 Google / Interface Design, Devices
Visual and interaction design of system user interfaces for next-generation devices, extending the Material Design system of adaptable guidelines, components, and tools, backed by open-source code used by 75% of the world, in collaboration with research, hardware, and engineering teams throughout the organization
1 New
100 HARMAN / Future of Personal Mobility
User experience concept and strategy, envisioning a more humane future utilizing upcoming innovations in integrated hardware and software for vehicles; with Icon Studio
0 Ongoing
098 Related Works
Projects and collaborations for non-profit, health, education, arts; research and development, LLC est. 2013
13 Ongoing
097 Magic Leap / Olympic Pavilion
Strategy and design of brand systems, interfaces to installations, digital to physical, for spatial computing; multiple projects and collaborations; creative director, experience design
20 Updating
096 Matternet
Interface design for on-demand aerial delivery in urban environments, connecting hospitals, clinics, labs, and pharmacies in the world through drone and logistics technology
34 New
095 Whitney Museum of American Art / Biennial 2019
Environmental, print, and digital systems; graphic and interaction design; identity system concept development
25 New
094 Whitney Museum of American Art / Andy Warhol—From A to B and Back Again
Environmental, print, and digital systems; graphic and interaction design; identity system concept development
16 New
093 Whitney Museum of American Art / Kevin Beasley: A View of a Landscape
Environmental, print, and digital systems; graphic and interaction design; identity system concept development
0 New
092 Whitney Museum of American Art / Studio Party Identity System
A system based on shifting color channel separation and additive mixing, for CMYK and RGB, print and digital media, invitation and signage
9 New
091 Whitney Museum of American Art / Mobile Guide
Multimedia guide designed for multiple permutations of visitor needs, including American Sign Language and kids, in a variety of tours, i.e. group, tandem, and self-directed; pre/during/post visit; multiple languages
13 New
090 Whitney Museum of American Art / Exhibition Identity
Systems for various exhibitions, including the Whitney Biennial 2019, Kevin Beasley: A View of a Landscape, and Andy Warhol—From A to B and Back Again
4 New
089 Whitney Museum of American Art / Visitor Service and Interface Design
A system of informational/transactional touchpoints for visitors to exhibitions and events, via general admission and membership, pre/during/post visit, for multiple devices and contexts
0 Updating
088 Micro-Utopias
Mixed-media installation design and build; concept, strategy, 2D/3D design, coding, writing; with Form& New York in collaboration with IAMW17, Barcelona
56 New
084 Whitney Museum of American Art
Interaction design and special projects
1 New
079 eBay Brand Innovation Lab
Brand experience and new product/system prototype design and development
5 2017 12
078 Boston Scientific / Digital Strategy and Service Design
Healthcare product development, patient and physician support networks, educational tools, multiple projects; as Related Works
1 2017 11
077 Form&
Product / system strategy, concept, design and build; multiple projects and collaborations; resident, experience design
43 2017 05
076 Hope Network / Digital Strategy and Service Design
Multiple projects; strategy, interaction design, product development; with RTM LTD, as Related Works
0 2017 03
075 Confidential / Project SB
Interaction design for a startup's cancer fundraising tool that doubles as a personal assistant / chatbot for each member of one's support network; a liaison for sharing moments, advice, and donations
0 2016 02
074 eBay Brand Interface System
New product development, strategy and interaction design, with CCO
49 2016
073 Keurig Connected Home
Future interface design for connected coffee makers, from home to office, private to shared, hardware and software; interaction design and concept development; with Prophet
0 2016 10
069 American Medical Association Physician's Virtual Assistant
Strategy, concept development and interaction design for a virtual assistant that looks after a physician's wellbeing; visualizing a new metric that promotes real-time work-life balance; with Prophet
0 2015 11
065 Google / Barter System Concept
Experimental system and interface based on existing social graphs, for all touch points; strategy, concept, interaction design, as Related Works
0 2015 02
064 Samsung Gaming / Jolt
Strategy, concept and interaction design, with Rokkan
74 2015
063 The Standard / Brand Interface
Editorial publishing hub based on daily happenings in seven locations for and by locals, travelers, and readers; built on top of a complete redesign of booking, reservations, and the shop for this boutique hotel; with Alldayeveryday
58 2014 12
062 eBay Premieres / Brand Interface
Editorial interface concept and design for premium product selections from eBay connecting buyers, sellers, and third-party vendors through shared stories; with Alldayeveryday
22 2014 06
060 Collective Assembly LLC
An independent design studio based in New York City, with Virgilio Santos and Manuel Dilone, 2010–2014
40 2014
059 Samsung UXCA Smart TV Interface
Product strategy, interaction design and development, as Collective Assembly
121 2014 03
058 M·A·C Cosmetics Dot Com
Brand strategy, concept, interaction and visual design, as Collective Assembly
151 2014 02
057 BMW Guggenheim Lab / Participatory City
Large video installation for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, with Yotam Mann, as Collective Assembly
24 2014 01
056 Bitponics Identity and Interface
Identity system, concept, and interaction design for an automated hydroculture startup in New York City, as Collective Assembly
30 2013 08
055 BMW Guggenheim Lab: Public/Private
For the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, with Tom van de Velde, as Collective Assembly
34 2013 04
054 AIGA/NY: Inspire/Make
A free educational workshop for teens on design, prototyping, and app development, with the Harlem School of the Arts and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as Collective Assembly
3 2013 02
053 BMW Guggenheim Lab / 100 Urban Trends
Interactive glossary collecting 100 trends in urban thinking, for the Berlin Lab, with Tom van de Velde, as Collective Assembly
27 2012 12
052 UNICEF Emergency Kit for Adolescents
Concept development and interaction design, with Claudia Bernett, as Collective Assembly
24 2012 05
051 Listen Identity System
Concept and interaction design, with Pedro Ha, as Collective Assembly
45 2012
050 Amplify Education / Brand Interface
Brand interface concept and design for an educational platform providing next-generation curriculum and assessment for students and teachers
90 2012 08
049 Hickey Freeman Brand Interface
Strategy, concept and interaction design, as Collective Assembly, with Lipman
0 2012 07
045 Google One Today
Daily charitable giving app for Android, interaction and visual design, with Carla Echevarria, as Google Creative Lab
0 2012 05
044 Google Project Codex
Authentication interface concepts, interaction design, as Google Creative Lab
0 2012 05
043 Google Project Babel
Daily communications app, concept, interaction design, as Google Creative Lab
0 2012 05
042 Google Maps
Alternate interface concepts, interaction design, as Google Creative Lab
0 2012 05
041 Lowe's Brand Interface
Mobile and tablet app concept and interaction design, with Huge
0 2012 04
040 AOL All In
Interactive system for all touch points; concept and interaction design, with The Barbarian Group
0 2012 02
039 Nivea Touch
An application celebrating the nuances of human touch and color; strategy, concept, and interaction design for all touch points; with Blast Radius
13 2012 01
038 Container 001
Portfolio website design and coding, used by Collective Assembly, Rote Productions, Related Works, myself, and friends
24 2011 12
037 Ex Vivo Productions Identity System
Independent and art film production company based in New York City, concept and interaction design, as Collective Assembly
0 2011 11
036 France Telecom / Project H
Entertainment and dining booking app for iOS and Android, as Cuban Council
0 2011 07
033 Absolut SF Concept
Concept and interaction design, with TBWA\Chiat\Day
0 2011 02
032 Nike Fuel / Brand Interface
Fitness tracking device identity and interface; strategy, interaction design and development, as R/GA
38 2011 01
031 New York Cosmos / Cantona
Concept development of digitally enabled activations, demonstrations, and events welcoming the return of the New York Cosmos, featuring Eric Cantona, as Collective Assembly
47 2010 11
030 CHANEL Brand Interface / Reflection
Interactive system for all touch points; concept and interaction design, as R/GA
23 2010 11
029 Aston Martin Brand Interface
Interactive system for all touch points; concept and interaction design, as R/GA
41 2010 09
028 Nokia Modular Phone Concept
A phone composed of interchangeable components; strategy, concept and interaction design, as R/GA
85 2010 08
027 Ameriprise Brand Interface / Lifescape
Interactive system for all touch points; concept and interaction design, as R/GA
0 2010 07
026 L'Oréal Brand Interface
Interactive system for all touch points; concept and interaction design, as R/GA
182 2010 05
025 R/GA Brand Interface Concept
Defining 'brand as interface' as layers of communication mimicking the infrastructure of the web, converting the traditional top-down campaign to utilities for bottom-up community dialogue and expression
4 2010 05
024 Barnes & Noble Children's Reading Device
as R/GA
0 2010 03
022 Outbid Auctioneer
Multi-platform live auction system; product strategy, interaction design and development, with R/GA
183 2010 01
021 Tom Ford Brand Interface / Disclosure
Digital ecosystem that self-generates content for all touchpoints from runway and retail to e-commerce and marketing; strategy, concept, and interaction design, with R/GA
47 2010 01
018 1551 Broadway / Interactive Digital Signage
Interactive concepts for a 25-story-high signage system reacting in real-time to conditions in Times Square; strategy and interaction design, as R/GA
8 2009 07
017 Louis Vuitton Brand Interface / The Box
Interactive system for all touch points; concept and interaction design, as R/GA
0 2009 06
016 NIKEiD 255 Custom Lab
255 Elizabeth Street, custom design kiosk interface, interaction design, as R/GA
0 2009 05
015 NIKEiD Mobile
Mobile app concept and interaction design, with Susan Choi and Jill Nussbaum, as R/GA
0 2009 05
014 Nike OS
Navigation and public/private profile system for all Digital Sport categories
0 2009 02
013 R/GA Connected Office
Kiosk and mobile interface connecting the agency's global offices in real-time, concept and interaction design, as R/GA
0 2009 01
012 Nike India / Cricket
Website concept and interaction design, as R/GA
0 2009 01
011 Nike Sportswear / NSW
Concept and interaction design, as R/GA
0 2008 04
010 Nike Dunk / Be True / Kicks Creator
Website concept and interface design, custom Dunk High builder featuring new materials, colorways and community voting, as R/GA
160 2007 11
009 Verizon Wireless Dot Com
Concept, interaction design, as R/GA
0 2007 06
008 BMW USA Dot Com
Strategy, concept and interaction design, as KBS
0 2007 03
006 Barnes & Noble Reader Prototype
Experimental reading interface design and prototyping, as frog design
0 2006 06
005 Citigroup Dot Com
Website content management system strategy, design and coding, front- and back-end, as Accenture Technology Research & Innovation
0 2001 01
004 J.P. Morgan Dot Com
Website content management system strategy, design and coding, front- and back-end, as Accenture Technology Research & Innovation
0 2001 01
003 Merrill Lynch Dot Com
Website content management system strategy, design and coding, front and back-end, as Accenture Technology Research & Innovation
0 2001 01
001 NASA International Space Station / ISS Operations Automation
Engineering and assembly schematics automation, as Boeing Integration and Data Operations IPT
1 1998 08